Like And Accept Yourself: Why It Is Important

In the age of selfies, the cult of the image and the obsession with likes, liking oneself is a revolutionary act. Accepting one’s body frees us from the impositions of others and is the first step towards happiness and well-being.
Like and accept yourself: because it is important

The importance of liking and accepting ourselves as we are is the key to psychological well-being. At the end of the day, no one is as important in this world as that person who is reflected daily in his mirror; even if we often forget it, we see our body with discomfort and do not have a good relationship with it.

Perhaps we forget that the perfection we desire does not exist in reality. Beauty has no specific canon, we are attracted to things or people for different reasons, even if they are imperfect. What really matters is our attitude towards the world. To like yourself, you have to be comfortable with yourself.

“It’s not bad to be beautiful; what is wrong is the obligation to be “.

-Susan Sontag-

Happy woman looking at the sky.

Beauty is in diversity (and charisma)

The truth is that when we come into the world no one teaches us the importance of liking and accepting ourselves. We often wait for others to do it for us. In this way, the concept we have of ourselves and our self-esteem are built through the opinions of other people that we end up internalizing.

Thus, and as if this were not already dangerous enough, the relationship with our body will be healthy only if it conforms to those socially constructed canons. However, whether the jeans, skirts and dresses fit us well, it doesn’t depend on what others say.

The important thing is your opinion and liking yourself because you have found your own style by wearing clothes that convey charisma, authenticity and make you attractive. This is the secret: stop depending on the judgments of others and be the only reference for yourself.

The importance of liking and accepting yourself

There is not enough affection in the world to fill the voids of those who are not loved. And that love always comes from the importance of liking and accepting each other. There are infinite canons of beauty and perfection is a rusty and outdated ideal that comes from Ancient Greece. In the digital age, there is a need to firmly rebel against such concepts.

How to start appreciating yourself more?

Humanist psychotherapist Carl Rogers said that when we accept ourselves as we are, we will begin to be happy. But what does it really mean to “accept oneself”?

  • To connect with ourselves in a realistic way.
  • Establish a positive relationship with ourselves by treating ourselves with affection and love without judging us.
  • Knowing what we need to have a better relationship with ourselves.
  • Making those changes that allow us to lead a life in tune with our values, desires and our personality.
The importance of liking and accepting yourself.  Happy woman with arms to the sky.

To this is added an undeniable fact: self-acceptance is a revolutionary act because it forces us to distance ourselves from facts that do not belong to us and from the conditioning that others have imposed on us.

By doing so, we will improve our well-being because we will be free, beautiful and prepared to live our way in a way that only we choose. This is happiness.

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