Living In Contact With Nature: Psychological Benefits

Do you know all the advantages of living in contact with nature? What are the benefits compared to living in the city? In this article we talk about the positive aspects of this choice.
Living in contact with nature: psychological benefits

The choice of living in contact with nature is growing rapidly. Even trips to the countryside at the weekend are becoming more and more frequent, often preferred to the wide cultural offer of the cities.

Although rural environments have more limited resources in terms of cultural events and job opportunities or services such as internet connection, they have other riches such as living surrounded by greenery or more genuine human relationships. And you, do you know all the advantages of living in contact with nature?

Living in contact with nature: advantages and disadvantages

More and more people are leaving the city in search of a less hectic pace of life and freer from the typical commitments of an urban center.

However, living in contact with nature is not all pink and flowers, as it requires some sacrifices. Below we present and the main advantages and disadvantages of this choice.

Woman looking at a village.


Living in contact with nature offers the following advantages:

  • Housing in rural areas is generally cheaper. As is the cost of living compared to cities.
  • The social relations between members of the community tend to be narrower.
  • The trips are made more often on foot, with greater health benefits.
  • The diet is generally healthier as it is mainly based on seasonal foods or garden products. It is true that processed foods are also present in the shops of small towns, but not with the same diffusion as in the city.
  • The natural environment conveys a greater feeling of calm. It allows people to get in touch with different stimuli without feeling overwhelmed, as often happens in crowded cities (noise, traffic, poor air quality, frenzy, etc.).
  • Work tends to be more cooperative in rural settings, overshadowing the hierarchy of roles, competition and individual job responsibilities.
  • It helps to repopulate the areas inhabited especially by the elderly, avoiding the widespread depopulation of small villages.


Living in contact with nature also has some disadvantages, such as:

  • Less access to various services, including internet connection.
  • It will be necessary to go to the city to attend to some administrative procedures. It is also true that online services are increasingly widespread in this area as well.
  • Medical care can be more difficult than in the city. This is important for those suffering from chronic diseases that require frequent visits and examinations.
  • Limited offer of work and leisure compared to the city.

Living in contact with nature: the psychological benefits

Despite the disadvantages, more and more people are choosing to live in contact with nature to find that serenity that is often impossible in the city.

In addition to this, the fact that internet connection services are often more limited facilitates greater interpersonal communication with community members. The resulting sense of belonging, centered on social relationships and contact with nature, removes the feeling of isolation and loneliness, as well as other emotional disturbances.

Life in rural environments is therefore a factor of social protection against loneliness. Benefits are obtained not only from interpersonal communication, but also from the possibility of immersing oneself in nature at any time.

This favors a greater rooting in the present moment and in the sensations offered by the environment (from food to emotions).

Benefits for older people

Older people can benefit from the presence of new inhabitants in the area. With the arrival of the latter, there is a significant rejuvenation of the environment, as well as greater income in the municipal coffers and the presence of children.

The other important aspect is the companionship and support that can be offered to this segment of the population. As mentioned, social relations are stronger in rural environments, an element that is certainly useful for the well-being of older people.

Grandfather and grandson cultivating the vegetable garden.

Living in contact with nature and social relationships in childhood

Rural environments offer children greater freedom of movement and space. Being safer environments, small towns favor outdoor activities, sports and interaction with peers without the control that life in the city may require.

In terms of ecology, rural environments raise awareness more from an early age. This leads children to adopt care strategies towards nature, favoring sustainability-oriented behaviors.


Living in contact with nature offers multiple benefits, which affect all age groups. However, it is a lifestyle choice that requires a weighted assessment of the resources offered by the environment and the disadvantages with which to live 365 days a year.

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