Psychologists Cry Too

Psychologists also cry

Psychologists always talk about the importance of emotions, accepting them for what they are, observing them and letting them flow. They invite patients to express them as they feel them. They open the doors to them so that they can open their hearts. Patients can hear, laugh, speak, cry or get angry if they feel the need.

At university, a future psychologist learns to practice techniques and to identify disorders, but no one teaches him how to manage his emotions during therapy. Although, to be honest, all the time in the world would not be enough to deal with the emotional hurricane that a psychologist feels.

Before being psychologists, we are human beings

We are human beings, it is our privilege, but also the source of various difficulties we face. This human part is the one that allows us to understand and put ourselves in the shoes of others, and it is this aspect that often triggers tears, without warning.


During therapy, the psychologist leaves his needs aside to give priority to the patient. However, he does not remain indifferent to the realities of others. In a different way, he is moved by the words and intimate vicissitudes of those in front of him.

Sometimes, hearing the stories of some people, he cries. This can also happen during a session, in front of the patient; other times you prefer to cry in intimacy.

The patient is always divided into three parts

Psychologists take a part of his patients’ lives home. After meeting them, the psychologist reflects on everything they have told and the feelings they aroused. We try to distance ourselves, analyze all possible therapeutic techniques, think about the best way to support the patient.

The case is not only analyzed in professional terms, as their stories often affect our emotions and feelings. Some cases make us feel frustrated, guilty, fill us with “maybe” and “what if …”.

The weight of a glass of water

It is said that it is not the weight that causes the effort, but the time during which we bear it. It is like the metaphor of the glass of water: the weight of the glass does not matter, but the time during which we hold it in our hands.


Sometimes psychologists take charge of a glass that does not belong to them, but which they take possession of for some time. It’s hard to lean on and stretch your hand and, many times, a helping hand is needed.

More means less

The more people you share the emotional backpack with, the lighter the weight will be. Psychologists need to feel heard, to talk about their concerns and once in a while, to make their needs protagonists.

There is a saying that says “to share means to live” and when we talk about emotions, it is just like that. Because even psychologists are people who cry and get excited. Life does not leave them indifferent and, just like others, they face their own story and that of their patients.

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