Stop Worrying About What Others Think

Stop worrying about what others think

Worrying about what others think of us can hinder our relationships with other people and make us feel insecure.  Furthermore, concerns of this type can generate superficial behaviors such as shame, deep resentment, loss of opportunities, guilt and so on.

Stopping worrying about what others think of you will help you achieve authenticity, make you be – and feel – yourself.  It certainly does not mean not trying to adapt to different environments, as it may prove necessary in certain circumstances. The decision is up to you.

Constantly being anxious about what others might say prevents you from being yourself, from unleashing your potential. Worry like this will have you constantly thinking about what others expect or want from you. What are your expectations for yourself? Who are you? You will never find the answer to such a question if you do not stop worrying about the opinion of others.

Use your imagination in a positive way

Letting your imagination run free can be of great help in certain situations, but it can also play tricks on you. In reality, others often care much less about us than we think; sometimes they don’t give us any importance, even if they want us to believe otherwise.


Yet all, as people, are endowed with a strong imagination, a trait that can prove to be an advantage as it allows us to dominate our thoughts. It is important to learn to broaden your imagination, so that you understand that just as there is a possibility that something will not like it, the opposite is also possible.

Learn to relax in front of what they will say

Thinking about what others will say or think about us is often a limiting and stressful habit within certain social contexts. Relaxing and trying to ignore other people’s opinions is the most important step. We cannot control the thoughts of others, just as it is impossible to guess precisely what they expect from us. So why worry so much?

Applying relaxation techniques can help clear our minds of negative thoughts and focus on ourselves, on what we are and what we want to be, on our strengths.

Be yourself

By nature, human beings tend to imitate others. However, the role models are many and varied, as are the lifestyles or what kind of person to be. We imitate others to feel accepted by society, and therefore we tend to behave as they expect. But do we really agree with that way of being? We like it? Do we share those ideas? Are others really what they appear to be in society?

Surely you have already had the opportunity to express these kinds of doubts, and you probably already have the answer. Being ourselves and enjoying our individuality is what allows us to be authentic. Refusing to be what others expect doesn’t mean they don’t like us. And even if it were, nothing would happen. The most important thing is to please yourself: if we don’t like ourselves, we will never be able to please others.

Remember: not everything is as it seems

What others think of us are nothing but thoughts. At the same time, what we believe they think does not necessarily correspond to reality: appearances can be deceiving.

On the other hand, if a person creates an idea about us based on superficial aspects, it is up to that person to change their opinion after a more objective and rational analysis.  Many people, in fact, only see what they want to see, without worrying about getting to know others. This phenomenon cannot be controlled. So why bother?

Focus on what you are doing

friends drink herbal tea on the bed

When we are engaged in a conversation that we are passionate about, we tend to ignore what others think of us. We enjoy the moment so much that we forget to imagine the negative things others might be thinking at the moment.

For this reason, it is good to strive to live and enjoy every moment. Look at yourself, have fun doing what you like, have interesting conversations and present your arguments with passion and respect.

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