Superman Syndrome And How To Recognize It

Commitment to work is not negative, as long as it is not excessive; in the latter case you can end up suffering from work addiction or Superman syndrome.
Superman syndrome and how to recognize it

For many, work is an important part of their life. It can also represent everything: they live for and as a function of work. Some of these people considered addicted to work may suffer from Superman syndrome.

Superman syndrome is characterized by excessive self-sufficiency, determination, need and speed of action in carrying out any activity.

It is much more common in a business setting, even it can occur at any time and place. At home, in meetings with friends, in playful moments, etc.

It was impresario Max Carey who coined the definition of Superman syndrome . He suffered from it and was the first to outline its characteristics. People with this syndrome feel that they have to do everything themselves. Furthermore, they not only perform a large number of activities, but also claim to do it better than others.

After defining Superman syndrome, let’s see how to recognize it and how to treat it.

Superman from behind

How to recognize Superman syndrome?

Within a working context, different relationships develop between collaborators, and each of them unravels it in a different way. There is always the talkative, the lazy, the introverted, and also the one who works harder than the others.

Commitment to work is not negative, as long as it is not excessive; in the latter case you can end up suffering from work addiction or Superman syndrome.

It is important to understand when you are in the presence of someone who is suffering from it, as it will be the first step in being able to help them. We recognize Superman syndrome in one who:

  • It overloads itself, that is, it takes care of everything by itself. He doesn’t ask for help from anyone, even if he needs it. Don’t delegate anything no matter how big or demanding the business is.
  • Oversized ego and pride. The person never acknowledges that they need help. Furthermore, it never shows frailty and its own weaknesses and goes out of its way to hide any signs of vulnerability.
  • He considers himself the best in everything and wants you to think that he is the only person competent to accomplish a certain task.
  • He isolates himself, because he does not trust anyone and no one can live with him. This is because the person with Superman syndrome is extremely competitive and demanding with others.

Physical and social effects of Superman syndrome

Sufferers of this syndrome often damage their body, especially the shoulders, neck, hips and knees.

This is because they work long hours a day and try to carry out any activity in the best possible way . This includes activities that involve the use of force or the loading of very heavy objects.

Social relationships will also be affected, because they give a clean cut to their private life. This includes all relationships, whether family, couple or friendship. If they have children, they abandon them to achieve their desired goals at work.

All this  because work is much more important to them than family and friends .

How to treat this syndrome?

Tired man at work

The first step in finding a solution is to recognize the problem exists. Then, ask for help. And, of course, accept that offered spontaneously by others.

It will be important to learn how to delegate tasks when needed. After all, many jobs are best done in groups.

Finally, perform an exercise in humility and recognize that others can achieve similar and even greater performance. In the event that the person suffering from it costs to realize this last aspect, Max Carey himself recommends giving up work for a while.

If the problem gets complicated, seeking professional help will be your best bet.

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