The 7 Best Self-help Books

The 7 best self-help books

When we need to grow on a personal level, the best tools to do so are found deep inside each of us.

However, it is clear that the more resources you have, the better; for this, today we present the 7 best self-help books, so that this task is less heavy for you.

What are the most recommended self-help books?

  1. “Unlimited power” by Anthony Robbins. This book is made for those who dream of a better life: it shows how to achieve a fantastic quality of life. Antonhy Robbins teaches that, using the power of the mind, we can achieve, achieve and create anything we want for our life.

This revolutionary book for the mind has already sold over a million copies; thanks to it, one can learn how to gain emotional freedom, self-confidence and the ability to be a leader, one step at a time.

  1. “Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman. In this book, the development of so-called emotional intelligence is presented as a factor for success in life, both personally and professionally.

This text rejects conventional ideas based on IQ tests. It has been translated into more than 40 languages ​​and has sold around 5 million copies worldwide.

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  1. “Your Wrong Zones” by Wayne Dyer. The author explains how to avoid and drive away negative thoughts, in order to gain control over our life.

It is based on the concept that all people suffer from the presence of a conglomeration of limiting emotions, among which the sense of guilt and worry stand out. During the reading, Dyer helps us to identify the thoughts that do not allow us to progress and, through a series of reasons, makes us understand that emotions of this type are not at all useful in our daily life, on the contrary, they will bring us closer and closer to sadness. and depression.

This bestseller broke the world record, selling around 35 million copies worldwide.

  1. “Lucky you become” by Alex Rovira. The author tells a tale of magic: a metaphor for effort, constancy and the ability to never give up. It is an essential teaching that should be applied to our daily life.
  2. “Rich father, poor father” by Robert Kiyosaky. This work explains how to obtain financial freedom; for this reason, it has become a true bible for many executives and finance experts. Through its reading, it will be possible to change one’s vision of money and make a change in personal life.
  3. “Let me tell you” by Jorge Bucay. This book contains a series of stories that will help you reflect on the behavior of the human being, thanks to some metaphors of everyday situations.
  4. “In Search of Meaning in Life” by Viktor Frankl. Of all the self-help books, this is one of the most significant: it is based on a real-life experience of the author, who survived three years of imprisonment in a Nazi concentration camp, after watching the whole his family.

Frankl tells how, despite the difficulties and adverse circumstances, it is possible to find the strength to go on, if you give meaning to your life. In many schools around the world, reading this book is mandatory.

If you have ever read one of the books presented here, we invite you to share with us your views on it and especially the teachings you have received.

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