The Key To Change Is To Say Goodbye To Fear

The key to change is to say goodbye to fear

I wish fear was nothing more than a word, a word with no effect on people. An abstract entity that would take on the appearance of a memory in us, a vague intuition of what it would like to take over our being, but which does not have the real capabilities to do so. A distant idea and unable to strike us.

Unfortunately, fear is more than just a word. It is a state of mind, a feeling, an emotion and a terrible sensation, capable of imprisoning our heart in a state of inertia, suffering and pain. A presence that prevents us from moving, that transforms us into wretched beings and lost in the becoming of life.

The great power of fear

The power that fear has over us is immense. It makes us small, takes us away from sleep, transforms us into worse people, pushes us to betray, to omit the truth and to believe that the end justifies the means. It can cause such ignoble actions that fear itself is frightening in the face of its ability to sow evil in men.


If you have a job that allows you to feed your family, you will live in terrible fear of losing it. Just to keep it tight, you will be capable of anything, even to betray other people. Similarly, those above you can take advantage of the situation to play with you, with your feelings and your needs.

Fear is a powerful tool that unscrupulous people continually use to inculcate in humans immobility, refusal to change, a sense of acceptance of what one has, the fear of looking ahead in search of a better future. , the need to be happy in this life …

If they deprive us of everything, we will lose the fear

We are submerged in a society in which possession, consumption and ownership of something or someone play a fundamental role. Consequently, each of us has a lot to lose: the more we have, the more fearful we will lose what we have.

Who, in this world, is not the owner of a job, a place, a family, a car? Who is not afraid of losing everything he has cultivated over the years, the fruit of all his efforts? Who doesn’t own even a small property? Who is not afraid of deprivation?

Yet  getting rid of what binds us will push us to let go of fear.  The one who will be able to let go of the fear of losing something will ultimately be able to make the fear disappear. Whoever has nothing to lose has nothing to fear.


We are used to filling our baggage with experiences and material things, and it is rare to stop and reflect on our load. Yet, if we paid more attention, we would notice how our suitcase is actually full of elements that, after all, are useless.

However, having possession of something evidently helps us to experience that false confidence which turns out to be, in reality, ephemeral. This effect prevents us from understanding that in order to change and be happy, to grow and advance along the path of life, there is no need for a large and full baggage.

There is a popular saying that those who have more are no longer happy, but those who need less. Thinking about it, this simple sentence confirms a great truth, namely the fact that we are creating around us a consumer society that constantly incites us to purchase objects and goods that, in reality, we do not have any need.

Consumption is consuming the will of many of us, locking us up in a world based on having. It is in these increasingly frequent cases that the fear of losing what one has suddenly emerges. As well as the inability to change for fear of not having.

Get rid of fear to change

The day we will be aware of being overwhelmed by the fear of losing what we have, the day we will be able to overcome it, then we will be able to initiate the change that will allow us to give the right value to those goods that the human being has. really need it.

Emotions such as love, friendship, goodness and solidarity do not produce fear; they are sincere, intangible, they belong to the heart. These are the emotions that allow us to change the planet, those that fill our soul and make us see the beauty of the world around us.

Don’t wait any longer, join the change. Give up physical possessions that you don’t really need. Feel brave, love those who deserve it with body and soul. Leave fear behind, be happy today.

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