To Love Means To Be There: BBC Short Film

To love means to be there: BBC short film

This beautiful BBC short film teaches us that to love means to be there, those who love and care for their loved ones know how to be present, with their body, mind, heart and above all in intentions.

Any child needs parental attention. Children need parents who know how to understand their needs, who reassure them with their eyes, who hug them with a smile and who know how to react at the right moment.

The British TV channel celebrated the past Christmas with a short film full of tenderness and good intentions. This little multimedia work that lasts a few minutes tells the story of a 10-year-old girl and her father, an ordinary single-parent family immersed in the Christmas atmosphere.

There are several reasons why this BBC short has become a viral phenomenon. The first reason is the atmosphere of enchantment and magic, the technical mastery and the wonderful digital resources that have the power to bring us closer to the story being told. The second reason is obvious: the short film conveys a message that encourages deep reflection and an examination of conscience.

If loving means being there, are we showing it to our loved ones?

Protagonist of the short film "The supporting act"

A Christmas commercial with a meaningful message

The BBC creative team has found tremendous success with this spot where even the musical accompaniment is well cared for. The puppet and puppet makers MacKinnon & Saunders, famous for having worked with Tim Burton in some animated films such as Corpse Bride and Frankenweenie, also collaborated on the making of the short film . The producers were looking for a product halfway between the artisan and the sophisticated that would bring out the emotional dimension.

The supporting act’s message is very simple: to love means to be there. And it is something that we often forget, taken as we are by our responsibilities and endless daily activities, neglecting the things that really matter.

The protagonist of the story is a 10-year-old girl, lively and dreamer, struggling with the Christmas show at her school. It is nothing more than a musical show that will see her create a complex choreography, one that never stops trying again, in every moment and place.

Each scene leaves us mesmerized by the skill and ability of the little girl who tries out her choreography, but at the same time leaves room for another reality. We see, in fact, the father of this little girl always busy, always busy, with his eyes perennially turned to his cell phone, the thought of shopping, of Christmas decorations …

The daily pressure and the responsibilities that define and unite us often hide the reality that we have before our eyes and that really requires our attention.

Father and daughter dancing

To love means to be there and to know how to react at the right time

We love all of our parents, siblings, partners, children or friends. However, it is not enough to feel this feeling, we must be able to demonstrate our presence, to make affection a means to grow, a precious and intuitive tool to help others, to value the things that matter, to make people laugh, to console. , comfort and give happiness. Much happiness.

The father of this short film is present, but most of the time his presence is only physical, in reality he is absent when his little girl would need support, a word of encouragement, joy or even a little advice. The little girl would like her father to also share in her enthusiasm, to echo her dreams and to be the mirror of a moment in her life that, like it or not, will never occur again.

Here’s what the BBC channel wants to underline with this spot. He wants to awaken us from our daily lethargy made of responsibility and work (even more intense during the holidays) to see what is really important, at any moment of our life: our family, the people we love. They are our daily gift and it is to them that we must pay our attention, give our visible support.

At the end of the short film, the father’s response to his daughter is unforgettable. Believe it or not, it reacts at the right time and in the best possible way. Watch this wonderful video, it will make you think!

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