Toxic Habits That Make Us Terribly Unhappy

Toxic habits that make us tremendously unhappy

It’s not always toxic people, bad times or adversity that cause us unhappiness. On several occasions, more than we think, it originates from our own conduct. Through toxic habits that we repeat without thinking, because they have become part of our routine. Instead of analyzing and transforming them, we prefer to blame fate as we plunge into bitterness.

It is clear that always being happy is impossible. However, it is feasible to maintain some balance and emotional well-being. It’s simple when everything is fine. The problem arises when obstacles appear or we have to evaluate a relegation, a situation that occurs very often. By inertia, we continue to carry out toxic habits which by definition: the more we perform them the more difficult it will be to “escape” from them. They have turned into a vicious circle in which we feel trapped.

Toxic habits: energy thieves

Many of you will feel identified with the toxic habits we will mention below. It is curious because they are part of our life, but without realizing how much they negatively affect it. One of these typically human habits is to desire what you don’t have.

We underestimate what we have, we yearn for much more… realizing that we don’t need anything else to be happy will prevent us from feeling sorry and sad.

Similarly, an opposite situation occurs: emotional stagnation. It is a circumstance in which we neither move forward nor back down. We are in the comfort zone that imprisons us, preventing us from growing and progressing, advancing and feeling fulfilled. Why don’t we go out there? Is it out of fear? What causes us so much insecurity? Being honest and thinking about it will allow us to put an end to a situation in which we feel like prisoners in our own prison.

Another toxic habit we practice is that of autopilot. That moment of our life in which we do not pay attention to the present, we do not savor it. We move forward without stopping to think about what we are doing. It is as if we were walking in a forest without stopping to contemplate the wonderful landscape that extends around us. We would move away from reality, we would not enjoy the “here and now” and we would deprive ourselves of a great pleasure.

We cannot forget even an element that we often leave in the second or third floor. We refer to our nutrition and also to our rest. Eating badly, not following a healthy diet, will have a clear negative impact on our mood: we will  not have the necessary energy level and our self-esteem will suffer. Likewise, getting enough sleep is important to perform at work and feel better.

The worst toxic habit: playing the victim

We have left for last one of the toxic habits that most affect our relationships. Being a victim is for many people an asset to attract attention, and other privileges. However, this habit brings with it many other practices that immerse us in a very unfortunate reality.

Being a victim leads us to cling to all the negative emotions that we should let go of. However, we need it to take pity and not take responsibility for what is happening. Closing our eyes and embracing negativity will make us accumulate anger and resentment in the heart.

Denying reality: a dead end road

Related to this, there is a terrible habit of denying reality. When it does not match what we would like to observe, we simply turn our backs on it and deny it. However, doing so will not make it disappear, it will continue to exist even if we do not want to see it and, no doubt, it will come upon us with force and violence at a given moment.

Being a victim could not fail to have among his ways of conducting the fact of blaming others. We will never be responsible for what happens and, if so, we will try to turn the omelette over in order to appear as martyrs. For example, if we fail an exam, the culprits will never be us for not having studied enough or not being concentrated properly, but for the professor who has given too difficult a task.

In conclusion, there are many toxic habits that we practice every day and that we need to get away from in order to feel good. Without a doubt, the latter – playing the victim – is the most complicated to manage. Not being able to be self-critical and accept mistakes will prevent us from being aware of all these habits that we have incorporated into our routine and that make us unhappy.

Images courtesy of Charlie Dubous

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