When I Make A Lot Of Noise, I Feel Empty

When I make a lot of noise, I feel empty

Remember that person who always stood out in the middle of the group? The one who always wanted to be the center of attention? It was certainly special, it made a lot of noise, it’s true. However, what you didn’t know is that, inside, it felt empty. Because when we ourselves make a lot of noise, there is actually a void, a great chasm inside us.

Empty people are those who do not listen to others, as if all external messages were mere interference that does not contain any kind of information. On top of all this, they surround themselves with many people, which could indicate a very deep passion for social exchanges, but which is really just a desire to escape from loneliness.

In the midst of so much noise, our insecurity is even more obvious


When we make a lot of noise, we think that no one will notice the insecurities we carry hidden within us. Insecurities that, perhaps, we ourselves deny because we do not want to see them, but that do not cease to exist.

Do you suffer from self-esteem problems? What do you do to overcome them? People who have low self-esteem and a lot of insecurities sometimes make a lot of noise to try to disguise the emptiness they have inside, to never make the mistake of looking within themselves.

It is true that deciding to relativize reality is not always a bad idea, but it can be done when you are aware of reality itself, in order to be ready to react to the changes that will occur. This transient and deceptive relief can be useful every now and then, but it becomes a very dangerous weapon if we use it systematically and repeatedly.

Have you ever found yourself talking too much, interrupting others and always wanting to be the center of attention? If the answer is yes, why didn’t you look inside yourself? It is scary to discover that you are not as strong as you want to appear, it is scary to discover that you are fragile, but it is necessary. Otherwise, the image we show of ourselves will never be real, at least until we resolve our inner conflicts.

Remember that we have all, at one time or another, felt empty, we have all been fragile on certain occasions. The important thing is not to try to fill that void with something that, in reality, does not fill us, but to accept it to start fighting it from the first moment we realize that it is swallowing us.

The route of humility

young man with mask and braid

Even if you may not believe it, being humble is much better than wanting to be someone who is admired with a hint of untruth and bitterness. Humility never receives a negative response, but quite the opposite, since it starts from the bottom and looks ahead, without being distracted by any problems that arise along the way.

There are people who are afraid of being humble because they think that, in this way, they will go unnoticed. If this is your fear, there is something wrong. Maybe you are insecure when the time comes to be yourself, or you have self-esteem issues or you have had a painful experience and this is your way of dealing with the pain you have experienced.

We often confuse humility with simplicity, when in reality it is simplicity contained in greatness. Also, included in humility is the ability to listen, to be mature, and to be empathetic towards others. All of this is synonymous with humility, and even if you won’t stand out like when you were making noise, at least you won’t be an empty person.

You should begin, little by little, to introduce humility into your life. You will discover that you are starting to listen to others and that, now, it is not just your words that matter. Plus, you’ll understand how to learn from your mistakes, stop wanting to be the best, and start growing.

Find your true essence

If you have realized that you are insecure, that your self-esteem is not as high as it should be, that you have many fears and that you try to remedy all these deficiencies by making a lot of noise, then it is time to start looking for your true essence. inside of you.

Each of us is unique and it is necessary to stop taking refuge behind appearances that do not resolve our inner tragedies. You will see that making a lot of noise does not help you to fill that emptiness you feel inside, just as it does not help you to surround yourself with many people.

bambio with parrot in hand

Digging into your emptiness can be painful, but it is necessary. It is impossible to be completely happy if you do not resolve your inner problems. Only we can look them in the eye when the time comes to open the doors of that inner room where we have hidden everything that scared us, everything that, over time, has not gone and will not go away, even if we we want to convince ourselves otherwise for fear of the anguish that will overwhelm us if we face them.

Once you are aware of all this and willing to grow, you will understand that you will no longer need to make a lot of noise, because in this way you will not solve your problems, but you will simply mask them. Are you ready to get rid of that emptiness you feel inside of you?

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